Monthly Archives: October 2015
Planning Ahead For Retirement
Baby boomers are exiting the work force and entering into their retirement years in record numbers. Planning ahead for the obvious changes that will affect our country is essential. As a business are you prepared for what’s to come? With predictions of 1 in 5 Canadians being retired by 2026 there are huge opportunities for […]
Exercise for Seniors
Research indicates that exercise for seniors can help reduce falls and fatal injuries. Not surprising but a good reminder for many! As per a recent study for our Canadian government that is well worth the read for anyone who is a senior or cares for one, the biggest risk factor increasing risks of falls is muscle […]
Synthetic Grass Research
SYNLawn has, and always will be committed to supplying quality synthetic grass (some call ‘fake grass) that is ‘GREEN’ and sustainable. If you have done synthetic grass research effectively you understand the importance of purchasing products that are ‘EarthFriendly’ for the future of our world. All of our products are bio-based and 100% recyclable because […]
Vancouver as the greenest city
Vancouver has a goal to be the ‘greenest city’ by reducing carbon emissions by 2020. Their target: “Require all buildings constructed from 2020 onward to be carbon neutral in operations” as per the City of Vancouver website. This is a goal all cities internationally need to put into place. There is no reason given the […]