Category Archives: Chafer Beetle
SYNLawn® Saves You Money
Over time your investment with SYNLawn saves you money, time and the environment is cleaner. Are you aware that watering your lawn is approximately 50% – 70% of your water utility bill ? With municipal water restrictions and global warming it’s inevitable this expense will continue to escalate. We all know a green lawn increases […]
Chafer Grubs Killing Grass Everywhere!
It’s evident throughout the lower mainland chafer grubs have destroyed lawns and are creating a nuisance while attracting crows, skunks and raccoons. Over winter these grubs have been munching on the roots of grass creating tunnels under lawns. Rodents and birds come to feast on the grubs. As these grubs mature and become a chafer […]
European Chafer Beetle Attacks Vancouver Lawns
Have you seen the lawn damage from grubs, the European chafer beetle grub, is doing to Vancouver lawns? You really can’t miss it once you realize the dead grass that looks unkept, lumpy or spongy in yards all over the city are not due to lack of care. Once these beetles have attacked your lawn, […]