It’s evident throughout the lower mainland chafer grubs have destroyed lawns and are creating a nuisance while attracting crows, skunks and raccoons. Over winter these grubs have been munching on the roots of grass creating tunnels under lawns. Rodents and birds come to feast on the grubs.

As these grubs mature and become a chafer beetle (sometime in late Spring), then mate to lay eggs in the soil in June or July to start the cycle over again. The damage is more evident late winter, early Spring as the grass is dead and predators have dug up the lawn in search of the grubs.
The news media throughout the areas from Hope to Whistler are recommending a strong maintenance program for your lawns. If enough damage has been done they say paving stones, mulch or other materials can be used. Although this is an alternative is it keeping your property looking natural and green?
SYNLawn® synthetic grass products look and feel natural. Gone are the day when artificial turf looked like a rolled out flat carpet! Our exclusive EnvironLoc†µ Backing System is approximately 60 to 70% green by weight, engineered for environmental sustainability. The 1st component is the primary backing that helps extend this products life cycle using 10% less material and is stronger with superior stability compared to traditional artificial grasses. The lifespan is further extended by incorporating nylon 6 in the fibbers which add 50% more durability. A secondary component is another backing that incorporates BioCel†µ technology. BioCel uses an environmentally-sensitive polyurethane replacing a large portion of the petroleum-based polymers with soybean oil, and adds Celceram†µ for further strength and stability. This technology helps environmental conscious builders and specifiers with LEED project certification. It is Earth, Water and Pet friendly. We also have a rodent control package keeping your pets safe from most diseases spread by rodents.
Ou pet systems utilize organic zeolite crystals to reduce or eliminate odours. Zeolite crystals are proven to reduce up to 80% of odours caused by the ammonia in pet waste.
So, if you’ve noticed dead grass throughout your neighbourhood and it doesn’t appear to just be winter dryness it’s more than likely chafer beetle damage has begun. Spread the word and inform your neighbours on how to find a permanent solution to this ever-increasing problem.
By most reports of residents who have followed the advice of landscapers, garden centres and news media reports to simply maintain a healthy lawn with aeration, irrigation and application of nematodes it is NOT WORKING.
Our experts will come in, assess the situation, advise you on the best options and eliminate the problem so you can relax and enjoy your yard that looks and stays green.